Search [search for "cheap accommodation"]

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Cheap accommodation - facilities included in the category of Cheap accommodation buildings where the cost does not exceed 450, - CZK per person per night. Objects are prepared for all who are looking for cheap yet comfortable accommodation for stays all over the country - cheap holidays in Bohemia and Moravia. Objects are divided into counties and then district towns, and also to tourist areas. 



Hotel Kostelec nad Černými Lesy, accommodation Kostelec nad Černými Lesy, cheap accommodation Kostelec nad Černými Lesy, the cheapest accommodation near Praha, accommodation for athletes Říčany near Praha. Hotel Kostelec nad Černými Lesy - Sporthotel Kostelec offers cheap accommodation near Praha, near the Prague Integrated Transport. The cheapest accommodation tours near Praha, class trips ...
Tel.: 601561515 - Komenského 527, Kostelec nad Černými Lesy |


The cheapest accommodation near Říčany, cheap accommodation near Praha, accommodation Kostelec nad Černými Lesy, cheap accommodation Vyžlovka. Hotel at Kostelec nad Černými Lesy - Hotel Na Závisti Kozojedy offers budget accommodation within easy reach of Prague Integrated Transport. Not only lodging for company Říčany, Kozojedy accommodation in a peaceful and quiet environment surrounded by nature, but also a restaurant with summer terrace ...
Tel.: 777331658 - 1. máje 126, Kozojedy |
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